Hi, I'm Marcus Lowry

I am a passionate data scientist who enjoys creating amazing data pipelines.


About Me

As a data scientist, I also have a passion for creating beautiful and intuitive user interfaces. I have experience working with both object-oriented and functional paradigms in small to medium sized code bases. Python and TypeScript are my languages of choice. I also have experience working with modern web technologies like React and Next.js.


You can contact me using the information below.

My Projects

Here are some of the projects I've worked on recently.

Web App with Desktop App Integration

  • Developed a Node.js web application to streamline the QA/QC process for field data collection, enabling a realtime connection between field crews and project managers.
  • Reduced project turnaround times by over one week by processing data locally and subsequently uploading to a central database, eliminating the need to wait for hard drive delivery before data is processed.
  • Rhode Island Emergency

  • Produced urgent deliverables for a bridge experiencing structural failure.
  • Designed and implemented a decision tree model to analyze phased array radar data, with results integrating seamlessly into CAD deliverables.
  • PT Duct Analysis

  • Developed a random forest regression model to analyze ultrasonic transducer data for assessing the integrity of PT Ducts within concrete structures.
  • Created a user-friendly dashboard that implements standard solid mechanics formulas and allows for the dynamic configuration of structure geometry.
  • Machine Learning Anaylsis

  • Developed and optimized a supervised machine learning model that utilizes impact-echo data to predict the structural integrity of bridge decks.
  • Iteratively refined and configured the parameters of the model to meet diverse client-specific requirements.
  • Cross-validated model using other physical testing techniques like infrared thermography, ground-penetrating radar, and concrete coring.